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Christ follower. Coffee addict. Introverted. Nostalgic. Want to know more?
Showing posts from December, 2022

The First Christmas

The Birth of Jesus Foretold  LUKE 1:26-38 26 In the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, 27 to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin's name was Mary. 28 The angel went to her and said, "Greetings,…

Plan with Me | Dec. Wk. 4

In just a matter of days Christmas will have come and gone. The holiday spirit will slowly recede as the impending new year will either inspire us to make big changes or return to our normal daily lives. While the coming week may still be sprinkled with family gatherings and winter festivities, the last week of the ye…

Bake with Me | Christmas Cookies

The holiday hustle has made the past two days go by in a flurry. I had every intention of sitting down to post, but if I wasn't feeling under the weather one of my kids were, and then there is so much to prepare for to get ready for family gatherings over the next few days. Honestly, I feel more hurried than ever …

Plan with Me | Dec. Wk. 3

Guess what my goals are this week? To be present. Last week didn't go according to plan, so I sat down and decked my planner out with plenty of reminders of the upcoming holiday. Now is the time when each day requires a plan but loads of flexibility to keep one sane. Over the next several days my little family wil…

Bible Study with Me | Mark 8

There's no right or wrong time to Bible study — what's important is that you open your Bible at all! Bible study doesn't always happen for me first thing in the morning. Lately, I find that afternoon study sessions fit into my schedule better. Last night, however, I sat down to read my Bible after everyone…

Memories from Christmas Past

You thought I'd forgotten about today's Blogmas post, huh? I've been busy going through all of my family photo albums and discs gathering up all of the sweetest memories of Christmas I could find. It took quite some time since I had nearly 30-some years to sift through. I still remember my favorite Christm…

13 Years + Infinity

13 years. 156 months. 4748 days. 113952 hours. 6837120 minutes. 410227200 seconds. + 3 beautiful children. The Wesley Family was established on December 12, 2009. We said our vows before God and our loved ones and promised to love each other until death parts us. Although our wedding was in the pre-Pinterest era, it …

Plan with Me | Dec. Wk. 2

We've made it through the first full week of December! Our family has enjoyed the UK Collage event at mine and my husband's alma mater, spent hours practicing for the Children's Christmas play at church, had a special mid-week, early Birthday dinner for my hubby, and are looking forward to enjoying a Chris…

Christmas Traditions

Christmas comes this time each year no matter how the past 11 months have treated us. Some years are blessed with prosperity and abundance, while others are more prone to hardship and scarcity. Christmas isn't always a joyful season for some, and it can be quite disappointing if you're only looking through the…