Plan with Me | Dec. Wk. 4

In just a matter of days Christmas will have come and gone. The holiday spirit will slowly recede as the impending new year will either inspire us to make big changes or return to our normal daily lives. While the coming week may still be sprinkled with family gatherings and winter festivities, the last week of the year always feels bittersweet to me. It's too late to start again, but at the same time the promise of a new year speaks of endless possibilities and 365 more chances. 

I'm only scheduling a few things next week, so when I'm not gathering I'll be making like Mary and pondering the past year quietly to myself, while trying to get my heart posture in position to start the New Year strong. 

This was scheduled to be my last blogmas post of the week, so I'm signing off and unplugging to spend the weekend soaking up the Christmas holiday with my husband and babies. While I am quite fond of a white Christmas, I hope and pray that you all are staying warm and safe during this cold spell. Happy Blogmas and Merry Christmas Eve Eve!