Begin Again | Week One Prayer Guide

Begin Again - Week One Prayer

The Begin Again challenge encourages you to take time every day to devote to prayer. Speaking with God will bring you closer to Him and help you to hear His voice when He speaks to you. God encourages us to bring Him our burdens and open our heart to Him. There's no wrong way to talk to God. He doesn't need grand gestures or eloquent monologues; He just wants you to come to Him. Even when you don't know what to say, and especially when it hurts. The Lord's prayer in Matthew 6:5-15 is a great place to start, or reciting Psalm 23. You can even write down your prayers in a journal. I love this method because it allows you to look back and see exactly how God answered those prayers. And answer your prayers He does, it just may not be in the timeline or way you expect Him to. 

Each week I'll give you a prayer guide that compliments your devotions. You can add this prayer to your prayer time if you so choose. Sometimes I need help finding the words, so I wanted to make sure you have an avenue to get your prayer time going. This week's prayer is about renewal. Whatever way you decide to pray, keep it up! Talking to your Savior should never be a last resort. 
Lord, sometimes I feel that my life needs a makeover. I ask for Your power to change -- only You have the power to heal, restore, and revive. Renew my heart and my spirit so I may be able to test and approve what Your will is for my life. Give me the courage to work toward my goals without being swayed by the opinions of others or the world. Thank You for the assurance that You will direct all my ways. No one knows my heart or innermost dreams like You do, Lord. Still, help me listen so I can hear Your direction and align my heart's desires with what is pleasing to You. What a blessing it is to know You are with me and that joy, peace, and love will fill my life when I seek to know You better! Lord, forgive me for my sins and help me to accept your grace as we work together to transform my heart and renew my spirit this week.
I would love to cover you with prayer; if you want, leave your prayer requests below by filling out the contact form or send them in anonymously here.