My sister jokes about how emotional I am sometimes. It's nice to have her to laugh at myself with, even though we both know she's absolutely right! Emotions like to control us. However, they are NOT the master we want leading our lives. Although the movie my daughter loves is cute and a family favorite, I don't want her (or anyone else for that matter) thinking our actions are justified by tiny emoticons pushing control buttons inside of her head.
Feelings can be great, and God gave them to us for good reason. We're not always so good at using them for good though. If we allow them, they'll imprison us from the inside out.
What type of feelings and emotions hold you back and keeps you from working towards your goals? Is it doubt; do you criticize your own abilities and depreciate your worth? Is it pride? Do you think you're above having to work hard for something you believe you deserve to begin with? It's a mixture of it all for me. Honestly, I'm not good at making decisions unless I "feel" something, because that's what I have allowed to lead my life, and still struggle with. Making decisions that go against our feelings is not only uncomfortable, but downright unbearable at times.
When David allowed his feelings to lead him, it ultimately ended up in the murder of his friend. It led him to all the places he probably never thought he would go. David understood that in order for him to change, he needed God to cleanse him from the inside out.
What do you want God to cleanse you of this month? I'll speak my piece first: I want God to help me use my time on earth wisely, productively, and intentionally for His glory. I'm starting small by just sitting and taking time to enjoy His presence and His Word again since I got out of the habit during the last couple months of 2024. As easy as it is for me to scroll through Instagram reels for hours, I want this sanctity of time to be the most important aspect of my day.
You don't have to go all out at first, especially if you've tried that in the past and never made it beyond day one. God doesn't expect you to completely transform your life in 28 days - but it is a good place to begin. Life is a continuous journey and there is always room for improvement, no matter what season or stage of life you're experiencing now. Even if things are absolutely amazing, there is still so much you can learn and much growth to experience.
This week, think of all the good God wants to bring to your life. Think of all the times you've said "I want to do ___" or "I need to do something about ___" and allow Him to take the lead and set you on the path to get you there. When we put our heart in the right place, asking forgiveness for our sin and looking to God for guidance, he renews our spirit. He takes the old, ugly, bad stuff in our heart and replaces it with beauty! When God is on the journey alongside us, that's where the good stuff begins! And if you're like me and need to begin again more than once, take this to heart: He's all about second and third and fourth and however many chances you need. Because you mean the world to Him, and He isn't giving up on you!
This week, think of all the good God wants to bring to your life. Think of all the times you've said "I want to do ___" or "I need to do something about ___" and allow Him to take the lead and set you on the path to get you there. When we put our heart in the right place, asking forgiveness for our sin and looking to God for guidance, he renews our spirit. He takes the old, ugly, bad stuff in our heart and replaces it with beauty! When God is on the journey alongside us, that's where the good stuff begins! And if you're like me and need to begin again more than once, take this to heart: He's all about second and third and fourth and however many chances you need. Because you mean the world to Him, and He isn't giving up on you!