I sat down to (finally) put together my vision board for the year, but nothing felt authentic to me. I looked at others for inspiration, but the goals envisioned within them were too lofty for me. I'm not looking to be a girl boss or travel the world in 2025. I do want to prioritize health and wellness, but that looks different on a 36-year-old mother-of-three than what Pinterest keeps recommending to me. After scrolling endlessly looking for the perfect quotes and images I had to put my phone down. I wasn't feeling excited about 2025 anymore.
I'm quite a nostalgic person. Nostalgia has been a recurrent theme here on my blog as you may have noticed, Reader. I love looking back on my years of growing up and experiencing what I can of them again, even more so with my own kids. We watch a lot of movies and television series from the 90's and early 2000's. I tell them stories about growing up with their Aunt Ashley and Uncle Don. I teach them lessons based on my past mistakes. I can only try my best to make my kids have a childhood that they will look back fondly on one day. And that's when I decided the theme for my 2025 vision board would be about bringing back the magic into life again.

My imagination used to be one of my favorite traits. Growing up, I didn't have the world at my fingertips so I had to exercise my imagination regularly and frequently. Little Kendra wouldn't want grown-up Kendra to live in a world void of magic. There's still so much that I can accomplish even if it took me 36 years to get started.
In 2025 I am going to:
/ focus on God, goals, growing, and glowing /
/ write a new story /
/ live as a beloved daughter of God /
/ consume less and create more /
/ pray about it, pray over it, pray through it /
/ focus on God's ability, not my inability /
/ be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger /
/ stop putting my life on hold because of how I feel about my body /
/ allow God to restore what has been broken /
/ dream as much as possible /
I am smart, worthy, strong, beautiful, and enough. I have all I need, my life is special, and I do have time to do amazing things! Good things are coming, Reader!
Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the Truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:7