I have a confession to make; I'm no longer a morning person. I used to love waking up early for the extra peace and quiet, coffee in hand and Bible open. I even used to get my exercise in during the early hours of the day. It worked for me then, but this is now, and things have been different since a sweet little baby entered our lives and completed our family almost two years ago.
Since Elora is such a light sleeper, getting up early isn't an option for me unless she comes along. Not the ideal scenario from someone who craves and at times cannot seem to function without alone time. So, for a long while I used to stay up extra late, when she would sleep deeper and in longer stretches of time, to get in the solitude that I was aching for. It worked until I was getting sleep deprived and my sleep schedule was an absolute mess!
In an attempt to accept that my current routine was going to require extra company, I knew I needed to start prioritizing sleep, and that's when my evening self-care routine was established. It's a ritual that helps me end the day and prepare myself for the next. Even though it's not the solitude I would prefer, it does give me a chance to take care of myself and gives me a chance to step away from mom duties for a bit.

All six of these steps don't always happen every night. Sometimes I have enough time for a few. Other nights I'm able to drag them out or even add in a little something extra like an exfoliating scrub, face mask, or a mani/pedi. On the nights when I'm pressed for time, I always cleanse my face, apply my serums and moisturizer, brush my teeth (not on the list, but a given, obviously) and get to bed.
My ideal night would start with some scented candles and a calm playlist of ambient music as I journaled about my day and planned out my tomorrow. If I have time for a long bath, I won't skip it for anything! I enjoy catching up on my YouTube subscriptions as I soak. After that I will apply my serums and moisturizer and spend time doing a bit of jade rolling and gua sha. I like to end the night by plugging in my phone and placing it on my nightstand, so I won't be tempted to scroll Pinterest. Since my mornings are often jam-packed with getting everyone ready for school and work, at least 7 hours of sleep is a must if I don't want to feel like a zombie in the mornings.
This evening routine is made possible by my husband, Daniel. Thanks for taking the kids off my hands so I can have time to myself for a bit.
I am looking forward to the day when I can establish a morning routine, too! Until then, my evening routine is all the self-care I need. Happy Friday and sweet dreams!